다음 열거된 주제를 목표로 진행합니다. 단, 워크숍의 내용은 상황에 맞게 달라 질 수 있습니다.
- Shoulder sonography
- Elbow and wrist sonography
- Hip and gluteal sonography
- Knee sonography
- Ankle sonography
- US guided intervention in cervical spine: cervical root, medial branch, facet joint, TON, GON, cervical plexus, cervical sympathetic block
- US guided intervention in upper extremity: suprascapular nerve, axillary nerve, musculocutaneous nerve, radial nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve, MSK injection techniques in elbow and wrist
- US guided intervention in lumbar and trunk: thoracic paravertebral block, intercostal block, TAP block, lumbar medial branch, iliolumbar ligament, sacroiliac joint injection
- US guided intervention in gluteal and thigh: Piriformis and pudendal nerve block, sciatic nerve, gluteal bursitis, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, obturator nerve, saphenous nerve block, hip joint injection
- US guided intervention in knee and ankle: Knee joint injection, peroneal nerve block, interfascial hydrodissection, tibial nerve block, plantar fascia injection
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